Hopefully, this winter will offer similar special feelings for anyone that tries this beer. I really had no idea how the beer would turn out, but I knew I wanted to use an interesting ingredients in it. Obviously, that ingredient would be roses. Now because most rose petals are heavily sprayed with pesticides I was not able to use actual rose petals. Instead, I used rose hips, which are the fruits produced by rose bushes, and I used rose water. I melded these ingredients into a Belgian Abbey Ale.
The result of this is a beer that will taste and smell like no beer you've ever had before. Emma Rose is very fragrant ale that literally smells like liquid flowers and is somewhat perfumey. The flavor also offers a bit of a floral as well. However, up front it has a sweet, sharp citric acidity that's complemented by a nice malty backbone. Having had a few pints already I will say that as my ales go this one changes a lot as it warms up.
Feel free to stop anytime this December to try a fresh pint of Emma Rose Abbey Ale. This ale will most likely be on tap for our Hoes n' Pimps New Years Eve party as well.

Wow! Look at that smile!