
  • Casual Racist
  • Blinkum
  • Fletsum
  • Older Bush (Bottles only)
  • Rock n' Roll Jamie (Bottles only)
  • Tripel Lindy (bottles only)
  • I've Got a Raging Beanie (Bottles only)
  • Cletus Joe's Bourbon Barrel Russian Imperial Stout (bottles only)
  • Hardy Tom's Olde Ale - (bottles only)

Beers in the Works

  • 'Merican
  • A Gentle Reminder
  • Bashore Fest
  • Car Full of Dicks
  • Curb Stomp
  • God of Thunder Imperial Stout
  • Proticol Sun
  • The Day is Mine IPA

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Now on Tap: Lucid Dream Blueberry Wild Ale

Now on Tap

Lucid Dreams
Blueberry Wild Ale
6.0% ABV

Its been a month or so since we've put any new beers on tap. The wait is over. New on tap this week is Lucid Dream which is a blueberry wild ale. This beer is very tart, with a little funky and fruity goodness. Honestly, the pour I've had reminds me of a sour jolly rancher. For those of you who plan to attend our St. Patty's Party....this gem should be on tap and pour for a limited time.....there's only 3 gallons to be had.

Free Your Mind to the Power of Sour

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