
  • Casual Racist
  • Blinkum
  • Fletsum
  • Older Bush (Bottles only)
  • Rock n' Roll Jamie (Bottles only)
  • Tripel Lindy (bottles only)
  • I've Got a Raging Beanie (Bottles only)
  • Cletus Joe's Bourbon Barrel Russian Imperial Stout (bottles only)
  • Hardy Tom's Olde Ale - (bottles only)

Beers in the Works

  • 'Merican
  • A Gentle Reminder
  • Bashore Fest
  • Car Full of Dicks
  • Curb Stomp
  • God of Thunder Imperial Stout
  • Proticol Sun
  • The Day is Mine IPA

Friday, August 13, 2010

Now in Bottles 8/13/10

Big Papa's Twisted Summertime Ale
4.5 % ABV
Available in 22oz. bottles

The 3rd beer in our patron inspiration series is dedicated to one of the two people responsible for giving me life. Big Papa's Twisted Summertime Ale is dedicated to my dad, Jerry Bashore. To be completely fair he probably knows as much about brewing beer as any other guy on the street and he'll be the first to tell that in his day beer was yellow and fizzy and probably came for St. Louis. My dad was a life time "Bud Man", I like to think I had a little to do with changing that. Not that he is into searching out crazy beers with off the wall flavor profiles, but he's willing to at least sample most things and he really enjoys a nice wheat/summery beer.

It's always been his philosophy that he needs to at least try every beer I make and although he hasn't tried them all, he is pretty honest with what he thinks...its usually, "that's not too bad", "that doesn't even taste like beer" or "I almost spit that back out". Regardless of his response to my ales it always puts a smile on my face to see him try something new and that is totally enough to inspire me to keep trying to make new and cool brews because even though I brew for myself (the beers I like), 51% of what makes me happy about brewing is watching people try each beer and getting a reaction.

When it came time to brew him something it was actually quit simple. Make something low in alcohol and try and add enough depth in flavor that he'd still like it and I'd still think it was interesting. What we ended up brewing started with a basic Blonde Ale recipe and then we tweaked it a bit and added two different kinds of Belgian Crystal malts and some sweet orange peel. The resulting beer is an optical allusion. Almost dark brown in color, but it tastes like a summer wheat ale with a little bit of hop bitterness on the back end. Its a great beer for summer, but I really think it'll stand the test of the seasons. I would really encourage everyone to stop in and have a bottle with me or another friend and give me your honest feelings on it or make a face or spit it back into your glass......regardless its your reaction that makes me happy. Thanks Dad!! I love you!!

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